In the Zvonimir Gallery in Baška u Friday, August 5 at 8 p.m an exhibition of paintings opens Toni Franović. “From the sea to the Moon Path” is the theme of the Mediterranean landscape and the author’s link with Kvarner and Baška. His painting production unstoppably brings back hedonism, color, meditativeness and opulence… Toni Franović was born in Zagreb on April 15, 1964. He has been drawing and painting since early childhood, and has been exhibiting since 1989. After three years of studying medicine at the University of Zagreb, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts of the same University, where he graduated in 1990. In 1993, he was employed at the “Arad Arts’ Project” in Arad, where he teaches nature painting. Academic year 1994/95. resides at “American University, Wesley Theological Seminary” in Washington DC where he teaches spirituality of art. At the end of 1995, he worked as a junior assistant at the painting and drawing department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, where he taught nude drawing and painting in nature until 2004. He was a visiting lecturer at the “Kresge Academic Center” in Washington DC, the “School of Visual Arts” in New York, Boston University, etc. His most significant artistic works on public buildings include the central Nama building in Zagreb (1998), the interior of the Jewish Municipality building in Zagreb (1992) and the synagogue in Osijek (1999), the Or Kodeš Jewish Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland (2001/2002). ), Oxnam Church, Washington DC (1995), WUJS Institute, Arad Israel (1993), exterior of the Podravka sales center, Koprivnica (1999). Franović exhibits recognizable paintings of rich colorism and imagination that have gained admirers all over the world and are found in numerous private and public collections, as well as in the holdings of several museums in Europe, America and Israel. He deals with glass and metal, and in 2011 he enrolled in a doctoral study in graphics. The exhibition can be viewed in the Zvonimir Gallery in Bašća from August 5 to 31. The exhibition was organized by the Livingstone Association in cooperation with the Baška Municipality Tourist Board .