Retrospective of contemporary photography:
Exhibition Rovinj Photodays 2014 – finalists and winners of the competition
In cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, about 10,000 photos are submitted annually to the largest international competition of contemporary photography in the region. Through a two-stage judging process, an international judging panel selects finalists in seven official categories, and the winners are announced as part of the awards ceremony held during the festival in May. The exhibition of the finalists includes the works of about thirty authors from different fields of photography, including various commercial, reportage/documentary and artistic contents. On the official website of there is also a list of commended authors in certain categories.
- Photos of Croatian authors go to the permanent collection of the Museum of Arts and Crafts.
- The exhibition consists of 200 works of various sizes and is accompanied by a catalog of 120 pages
- It is possible to reduce the exhibition if space is needed.
- Exhibition time, July or August 2014 / 20 days.