DOM OF CULTURE ČAVLA, 5 October 2018, at 8:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased through the Moje system or at TZO Čavle at a price of HRK 70.00 in advance and HRK 80.00 three days before the show.  

Looking for a new husband

Director: Željko Königsknecht Author : Miro Gavran Dramaturgy: Željko Königsknecht Starring:  Anita Matić Delić, Damir Poljičak, Željko Königsknecht Production: Satirical Theater Kerempuh Duration: 90 min.



“A new husband is wanted” is an unusual combination of comedy of character and comedy of situation. Miro Gavran, the only living playwright in Europe who has a theater festival dedicated exclusively to his plays, in this work portrays recognizable heroes of our everyday life who strive to realize their dreams and ambitions. Witty dialogues and a dynamic plot rich in many twists and turns are the reason why  this comedy performed over 100 times, in Zagreb and Croatia. Likewise, it was performed in Slovakia, Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria and other countries and proved itself everywhere as a true theatrical hit. “In short, laughter for a wide audience and acting bravado of Kerempuh’s best comedian.” Tomislav Čadež, “Jutarnji list”